“Music surpasses any languages and connect cultures”
“Music is the most honest form of communication”
“The disciplined creativity necessary to play classical music allows us to engage both the critical and empathetic thinking pathways in our brain, leading to heightened sense of control. This control the leads to empowerment, which will have positive social impacts on the greater community”
After many years of having an incredibly fortunate career as a flutist, I began to think about true power of music and wonder if there is anything I could do as a musician to make even the smallest of difference in a true, meaningful way outside the concert halls and recording studio.
In summer 2014, I founded Music Beyond, Inc. Music Beyond is an NGO that harnesses the universal power of music to empower people and uplift communities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa through education, artist support, collaboration and partnerships.
The questions I get the most is “Why DR Congo?”
My first answer would be "Because they deserve it!"
Their life is extremely challenging. For example in Kinshasa, the city of more than 12 million, majority of people don’t have enough food to eat, and there are many neighborhood that don’t have electricities, clean water, basic sanitation nor schools. On top of that, there have been decades of corruption, ongoing conflict and violence that killed, raped and misplaced millions. As a result, DR Congo, one of the world's richest in minerals, became one of the poorest. So naturally, there are many people who have given up hope. (Who can blame them really?)
Yet, there are groups of people who are trying their very best to rebuild their communities from the ground up, to make their lives more fulfilled and ultimately, to hope for the future. And some of them are doing so through music. So if I - a flutist with a very fortunate education and career, can help them to be more fulfilled as musicians, teachers and mentors, I am absolutely determined to give any help I can possibly give. Because I believe that it would not only empower them, but it would empower the next generation who have musicians Music Beyond teach as their role models and mentors in the future as well.
Some might say, "There are people who share the same passion elsewhere in the world, including USA, with or without years of conflict. So why not here?" Very true. The difference to me is that there are many people who can teach musicians in the countries like US. There is enough well-educated talent here. This does not of course mean that there are enough people who are tackling the problem right now, and I realize there still is a huge need. But at least there are resources.
In developing countries like DRC however, there is no one who can do that. Music Beyond has decided to empower musicians in a way that cannot be done from local resources. Even though this means more funding is required, with more logistical challenges and risk, I still firmly believe that making a difference to individuals and subsequently the individuals they teach will create a better community in the future, even in the poorest of countries with many problems!
To learn more about Music Beyond, please visit the WEBSITE.
そんな思いから、2014年の夏に設立されたのがMusic Beyond, Inc.。Music Beyondは、音楽の持つ普遍的なちからを使って、教育・アーティスト支援・コラボレーション・パートナーシップを通じて中央アフリカのコンゴ民主共和国の人々を力づけ、コミュニティの向上発展を図るNGO団体です。
でもコンゴ民主共和国のような途上国には教育できる人が存在しない。だからMusic Beyondはあえて、現地の供給源では成り立たない国での音楽家のエンパワーメントにフォーカスしたのです。その結果、さらなる資金が必要であっても、ロジスティックな面での課題が多くなり、リスクが高くなろうとも、一生の糧として真剣に音楽と向き合っている人々の人生と、彼らが教える次世代の子供たちにポジティブな発展をもたらすことは、将来的に、多くの問題を抱える最貧国の中に良いコミュニティを生み出すことに繋がる、と強く信じています!
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